Integrity and Trust

Dear Gunnar,

I hope and pray that this letter finds you well and that God is doing great and mighty things in your life. I hope and pray that you have repented of your sins and called upon the name of the Lord to save you! I pray often that you would. I want to share with you some things that I learned recently that can help you in your future.  When others question your integrity, understand that the only person that knows you is God.  If you can get that right, and your relationship with God is solid, then you don't need to worry about what others think of you.  The truth will soon be revealed to the accuser.  You will find out in your life that there will be people that question your integrity, to include born again believers. I have noticed over time that it seems to be more so with born again believers than with the lost. Pray for them, but keep your distance from them.  There is a good possibility that they have an agenda in their mind.

Here is a list of seven important things to understand about life that should never be compromised:

  1. Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do!  Your character depends on it.  Regardless of the outcome of your decision do the right thing.
  2. Always say I love you, to your family, to those that are close to you and even your close friends.  People need to hear and know that they are loved!
  3. Integrity:  If you want to destroy everything you are, then break integrity.  If you want to be the man that God calls you to be don't ever break integrity!
  4. Work hard, play hard in Christ. Remember God is watching and when we work hard in Christ we will be rewarded for it in the end.  When we play hard in Christ we will be blessed!
  5. Word of God in the King James Bible. Always! This should be your first love!  If you put the Word of God first you put God first, and if you put God first, then all other things fall into place! Putting the Word of God first means applying what you read in the Word of God to your life always!
  6. Love your wife! The Bible says to love your wife as Christ loved the church! That means unconditional! Fix what may break in that relationship and always fight for it!
  7. If you are not married yet, pray and ask God to bring you that wife and in the mean time stay faithful and true to the Lord Jesus Christ and never violate His love for you! She must love God as much as you love God! When you Love Christ first women will be attracted to you!  Don't ever compromise your purity for a time to sin out of wedlock with someone that is willing to violate this principle.  They are not for you.  A good woman would follow you as you follow Christ!  If you find one like that, grab a hold of her and never let her go, she is a great woman!

One final thing before I let you go.  Always, always, always trust in the Lord! No matter how difficult it is, no matter how bad it gets, trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  (6)  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

(Psalms 37:3)  Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

(Psalms 73:28)  But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.

(Psalms 118:8)  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

I love you very much!


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