To My Grandson Gunnar Lee Smith

Dear Gunnar,

Pawpaw decided to start doing this for you for when you are grown and I am in heaven with Jesus.  I want you to know one thing,  Jesus loves you and died for your sins. He desires a personal relationship with you. If you want to be with me for all of eternity you must establish that relationship with Jesus.  You are currently 2 years old and you are such a joy to be around. You are fun to play with.  You love to spend time with Mema and Pawpaw and lately when you see us you get all loud and excited!  You love to run around with the foam pool noodles and beat on each other.  We watch television such as Paw Patrol and other cartoons.  When you want to get on our cell phones you ask, "Pawpaw, Shark doo doo." That is the trend of this year that became popular on YouTube.

You defiantly get into trouble at times because you love to push all the buttons in the house, to include the sound bar under our television and our humidifier.  That is ok though you are still a huge blessing to us and I love you very much.

I hope and pray you are doing well in life!   Make me proud.  Establish a good career. Stay away from drugs and alcohol and just do what is right because it is the right thing to do.

I love you!


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