Union Station and Science City

Dear Gunnar,

We had a great time yesterday with you. We came by your house yesterday and you were jumping up and down with excitement to see me.  You walked right passed Memaw and wanted to see Pawpaw.  I told you I loved you and you said, "I wuv you" Those words you read don't give it justice by how you tell people you love them. It is very special and unique how you say it. We went to Science City downtown and you loved it.  We ran around the place messing with various different experiments.  We went and looked at all the trains at Union Station.  You wanted to grab some of them. You were mesmerized at all the cool looking trains.

I did not carry you that much this time because of my back giving me troubles, I was able to carry you from Science City to the car though.  I made you laugh a couple of times being all goofy with you.  Your laugh is so giggly and fun.  I could tell you were enjoying our time together. When we got done there we shot over to a restaurant called BRGR, it was amazing. You ate most of your burger there. 

Your favorite time for you is watching YouTube. You call it "Shark Doo Doo".  You could spend hours watching all those videos.  Sometimes we would have to change them as they were pretty weird.

I think the most fun we had was when you were in your stroller and Memaw was pushing you around and I was pretending to get you. You were cracking up.

It is getting close to Christmas and we ended up taking a selfie of us out on the town. 

No one in the family has no clue what I am doing right now.  They can't know because it would not be a surprise for you if they did.

I surely hope and pray you are doing well as you read this.  I pray often that you would find a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ so that when you pass on you too will be able to spend eternity with me in heaven as well. I want you to know that I love you very much and you always put a smile on my face.  If you upset me for doing something wrong I can't be upset with you very long at all.  Remember, always do right because it is the right thing to do.  Always say I love you to those you care about and most of all love God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength!  You cannot go wrong with that.

I love you very much,


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